Sunday, 10 November 2013

Where has MyDoodle gone?

If you visit this blog or my photo website, find a photo that you would really like to use as a greetings card or piece of wall art and click on a link to use the photo in MyDoodle you will be disappointed. You will see this message.
This message has been appearing for a while now and my attempts to find out what is happening have been ignored. I have emailed the link given to only receive another message telling me to use another email address to make contact. I do this but receive no response.
This is really frustrating as it means my blog and website is useless. If MyDoodle are redesigning their web page I don;t know whether they will still include my photos and if they do whether i will need to redo all my links.

I'm really sorry of this is causing disappointment but I really am trying to find something out and will post here if and when I get some sort of response.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

I can't resist swans.

Swans are just so photogenic that I just can't resist photographing them - I must have hundreds of swan photos - the ones that I have made available to Mydoodle are just some and can be all viewed here

The latest additions to my portfolio leave ample room on the right to insert your own special greeting

If you wish to use either designs for a greetings card or piece of wall art click here

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Water birds

I've selected three images of water birds to my Mydoodle portfolio. These were all taken at Old Moor RSPB reserve in Yorkshire

The first two are of a grey heron

These designs have ample space to add a greeting if you wish to create your own greetings card. Click here to use the images either as a greetings card or wall art design.

The other photo is of a swan with its family of cygnets.
This could be used as a greetings card to congratulate a new proud parent. Click here to use this image either as a greetings card or wall art design.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Pink Lilies

I've added two more photos to the garden flower section of my Mydoodle portfolio.

These are a couple of photos of pink lilies growing in my garden.

To use either of these images for a greeting card or wall art design click here.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Peacock Butterfly

We have had lots of peacock butterflies on our buddleias this year and I haven't been able to resist taking lots of photos.

I've chosen this one to add to my Mydoodle portfolio.
To use this image for a greetings card or wall art design click here.

More photos of butterflies are featured on my gardening blog here. If you think any of the photos shown on this blog should be added to my Mydoodle portfolio then just let me know.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Passion Flower

The latest addition to my MyDoodle and Fine Art America portfolios is this photo taken of a passion flower that is blooming in my garden.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Thank you for a great year

At the end of the academic year many students like to show their appreciation of all their tutor or teacher has done for them.

Here are two designs that would make appropriate greetings cards. You could use the first to add your own message.

Alternatively here is a complete card design with a message added.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Get well soon card

Get well soon card featuring Guzzler the greedy little pig. He eats everything he can get his snout into. He stuffs himself with all the other animals food including the farmer's breakfast and even eats the washing on the line.

The farmer's wife is not impressed and so to teach him a lesson the farmers arranges for several lorry loads of rotten vegetables to be delivered.

Guzzler can't resist and eats the lot which leaves him feeling very porrly and sorry for himself but has he learned his lesson?

Here he features on a get Well Soon card.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Saturday, 29 June 2013

More Adaptations

Here are the latest designs converted for a rectangular card.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Friday, 28 June 2013

Not so square

Originally there was the option to create a square card with MyDoodle but now cards are all rectangular (either portrait or landscape).

You can resize square designs so they will fit the card using the creation tools available in MyDoodle.
This does leave you with quite a lot of white background which you could use to create a personal greeting. I am gradually adapting my square designs so they fit in better on a rectangular card.

Here are the most recent adaptations.

You may be also interested that MyDoodle recently featured an interview with me for their blog which is posted here

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Flower Power

The latest additions to my Mydoodle portfolio are three recent photographs of flowers. 

The first is of a rose growing on our allotment

The next two are of wild dog daisies which are just as beautiful as out cultivated flowers.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Steam Trains for Fathers' Day

If your dad is into steam engines then maybe one of my images would make a great Fathers' Day card or if you want a special gift why not treat dad to a special piece of wall art?

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Fathers' Day Card

My Mydoodle portfolio contains many designs that would be ideal to use in a personalised card for a special Dad. This year Fathers' Day in the UK is June 16. Why not save yourself the hassle of going round the shops searching for that ideal card. MyDoodle cards are £2.99 (including postage) for a good quality (printed on 340gsm gloss laminate) 7" x 5" | 177mm x 127mm. card in either portrait or landscape orientation

Order the card before 2 p.m. and it will dispatched the same day. Cards can either be posted directly to the recipient or delivered to you in a hard backed envelope with an extra envelope so you can send on yourself. You can add your own greeting to the front and inside the card using a range of decorative fonts.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Scottish Loch

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
The latest photograph that I have decided to add to my MyDoodle portfolio was taken in the Scottish Highlands at the RSPB reserve at Loch Ruthven in March 2012.
If you would like to use this image to create a greetings card or wall art design click here

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Friday, 29 March 2013

Purple Crocus

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
This photograph was taken of a purple crocus growing in our garden. I don't think it could quite believe that the sun was shining and so opened its petals to celebrate. The raindrops are evidence that it was still damp from all the recent rain.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Dandelion Clock

Dandelions may be a nuisance when they decide to grow in your lawn but they make fascinating subjects for photography. Once the dandelion sets seed and produces a 'clock' it is even more photogenic.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


The hellebores in our garden have really earned their keep this yera. They have stood up well to the poor weather and have flowered over a long period. They have also provided a good subject for my photography.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Purple Daisy

My last post showed one of the designs that I have created using the Michaelmas daisies in my garden as the subject. This time I have focused on an individual flower.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Friday, 22 March 2013

Michaelmas Daisy

This image has been manipulated in Photoshop from a photo that I took of the Michaelmas daisies growing in my garden, The design was created with the intention of producing a design that would work well printed on acrylic or metal.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Thwaite - Yorkshire Dales

We have three watercolour paintings that we bought many years ago from an artist based in Yorkshire. The paintings were of places in the Yorkshire Dales and we have intended for some time to try and visit the location shown in the paintings. A week or two ago we were in the Dales and had a bit of spare time and found ourselves fairly near to the village of Thwaite which is the village that features in one of the paintings and so decided to take a slight detour and see whether we could spot the exact location shown in our painting.
Surprisingly on arriving in the village we found the location straight away. Here's the photograph that I took which you can compare to the painting below it.
I have uploaded the photo to both Fine Art America and Mydoodle. Click on the appropriate link if you would like to use the image to create a piece of wall art or greetings card.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Friday, 1 March 2013

Say it with flowers

We have uploaded more flower photographs to our My doodle and Fine Art America portfolios.

The first is a close up of a hellebore that is flowering in our garden at the moment.
The next is of a quince flower which would have gone on to produce a delicious fruit.
And the final one is of two dog roses
To access any of the designs to use with Fine Art America click here the hellebore is also available to use with with Mydoodle click here.

These and many other designs would make great Mothers' Day cards - for more ideas click here. There are also some flower and gift suggestions here.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Get ready for Mothers' Day

Mothers' Day in the UK is on Sunday 10 March so you need to be thinking of how you can make the day special for you mum.

I have a range of designs in my Mydoodle portfolio that can be used to create a special card. You can add you own personal greeting to the front and also inside your card.

Click here for a page devoted to suitable designs or browse my portfolio for a photo to use to design your own card.

You can also use one of my images to create a piece of wall art as a gift- visit my website to see what is available.
Alternatively why not visit my page of gift suggestion here or send a special Flowercard or bouquet

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Daisy Glow

For my latest addition to mydoodle and Fine Art America I have tried to work on a black and white image - maybe greyscale is more accurate.

I started with this photograph taken of an osteospernum flower that I grew from seed and planted in my garden.
I love the detail in the centre of the flower and also the shine on the petals, After a bit of playing I ended up with this black and white image.
This image is available to use from mydoodle click here 

I went on to crop the image and offset it a little to produce:
This image is also available to use with mydoodle click here and is also uploaded to Fine Art America click here

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Monday, 25 February 2013


I've added a new design to my online portfolios. It was based on a photo of a couple of cornflowers .

I started with this photo:
I then had great fun adding effects and changing colours etc. I combined effects using about three different editing applications to end up with this. I chose to use blues and purples as this seemed to be n keeping with the subject.
If you would like to use this image to create wall art or greetings card designs using mydoodle click here and using Fine Art America click here

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Friday, 22 February 2013

British Birds

Here's a collection of bird images that I have recently added to both mydoodle and Fine Art America portfolios.

The first two are photos that we managed to take of a robin that was sitting at the top of one of the trees in our garden announcing to all that he was claiming his territory.

The first was taken by me but I have to credit my husband with the second photo.

Then I have set up a collage showing four of our favourite British birds, the blue tit, the blackbird, the robin and the goldfinch.
To use any of these images as wall art of greetings cards designs click here for mydoodle and here for Fine Art America.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Fine Art America Portfolio

I've just become a member of another online company that publishes photographs and art work as either wall art or greetings cards. The company is called Fine Art America.
One advantage of Fine Art America is that it does business at a more international level and takes payment in several currencies so it means I can offer my photographs to a wider community.

It also offer several types of wall that aren't available through my double such as on metal.
I have only uploaded a small number of images to FAA but if anyone sees an image they like in the mydoodle portfolio that they would like to obtain from FAA just email me and I'll try to upload it to FAA.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Sunset at Clumber Park

The following photos were taken at the beginning of December at Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire. 

If you wish to use any of these photos for personalised greetings cards or wall art click here 

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett