Saturday, 22 October 2011

Hoar Frost

When I was working, my journey to work involved driving down a few country lanes. I loved watching the changes as the seasons moved along. On one particular morning, in February 2008, I just couldn't resist stopping the car to take these photos.There had been a hoar frost and the trees looked beautiful. The location was Intake Lane near Woolley in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
To use as a wall art design click here
To use as a wall art design click here

Even though the photos were taken in February they created a 'Christmassy' feel and so I used the images to create a couple of Christmas cards.

Both cards can be personalised 

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett


  1. Hi Sue! Lovely hoar frost photos, I am hoping we get some again this year, it has such a magical effect in the landscape

  2. I was a fairyland view Janet - the photos were actually taken on my mobile phone as I hadn't my camera with me but I just had to capture it! If we do have some this year I'll be sure to have my camera.


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