Tuesday, 17 September 2013

I can't resist swans.

Swans are just so photogenic that I just can't resist photographing them - I must have hundreds of swan photos - the ones that I have made available to Mydoodle are just some and can be all viewed here

The latest additions to my portfolio leave ample room on the right to insert your own special greeting

If you wish to use either designs for a greetings card or piece of wall art click here

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature http://designsonnature.blogspot.co.uk/ author S I Garrett

Water birds

I've selected three images of water birds to my Mydoodle portfolio. These were all taken at Old Moor RSPB reserve in Yorkshire

The first two are of a grey heron

These designs have ample space to add a greeting if you wish to create your own greetings card. Click here to use the images either as a greetings card or wall art design.

The other photo is of a swan with its family of cygnets.
This could be used as a greetings card to congratulate a new proud parent. Click here to use this image either as a greetings card or wall art design.