Sunday, 30 June 2013

Get well soon card

Get well soon card featuring Guzzler the greedy little pig. He eats everything he can get his snout into. He stuffs himself with all the other animals food including the farmer's breakfast and even eats the washing on the line.

The farmer's wife is not impressed and so to teach him a lesson the farmers arranges for several lorry loads of rotten vegetables to be delivered.

Guzzler can't resist and eats the lot which leaves him feeling very porrly and sorry for himself but has he learned his lesson?

Here he features on a get Well Soon card.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Saturday, 29 June 2013

More Adaptations

Here are the latest designs converted for a rectangular card.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Friday, 28 June 2013

Not so square

Originally there was the option to create a square card with MyDoodle but now cards are all rectangular (either portrait or landscape).

You can resize square designs so they will fit the card using the creation tools available in MyDoodle.
This does leave you with quite a lot of white background which you could use to create a personal greeting. I am gradually adapting my square designs so they fit in better on a rectangular card.

Here are the most recent adaptations.

You may be also interested that MyDoodle recently featured an interview with me for their blog which is posted here

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Flower Power

The latest additions to my Mydoodle portfolio are three recent photographs of flowers. 

The first is of a rose growing on our allotment

The next two are of wild dog daisies which are just as beautiful as out cultivated flowers.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett