Friday, 29 March 2013

Purple Crocus

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This photograph was taken of a purple crocus growing in our garden. I don't think it could quite believe that the sun was shining and so opened its petals to celebrate. The raindrops are evidence that it was still damp from all the recent rain.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Dandelion Clock

Dandelions may be a nuisance when they decide to grow in your lawn but they make fascinating subjects for photography. Once the dandelion sets seed and produces a 'clock' it is even more photogenic.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


The hellebores in our garden have really earned their keep this yera. They have stood up well to the poor weather and have flowered over a long period. They have also provided a good subject for my photography.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Purple Daisy

My last post showed one of the designs that I have created using the Michaelmas daisies in my garden as the subject. This time I have focused on an individual flower.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Friday, 22 March 2013

Michaelmas Daisy

This image has been manipulated in Photoshop from a photo that I took of the Michaelmas daisies growing in my garden, The design was created with the intention of producing a design that would work well printed on acrylic or metal.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Thwaite - Yorkshire Dales

We have three watercolour paintings that we bought many years ago from an artist based in Yorkshire. The paintings were of places in the Yorkshire Dales and we have intended for some time to try and visit the location shown in the paintings. A week or two ago we were in the Dales and had a bit of spare time and found ourselves fairly near to the village of Thwaite which is the village that features in one of the paintings and so decided to take a slight detour and see whether we could spot the exact location shown in our painting.
Surprisingly on arriving in the village we found the location straight away. Here's the photograph that I took which you can compare to the painting below it.
I have uploaded the photo to both Fine Art America and Mydoodle. Click on the appropriate link if you would like to use the image to create a piece of wall art or greetings card.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett

Friday, 1 March 2013

Say it with flowers

We have uploaded more flower photographs to our My doodle and Fine Art America portfolios.

The first is a close up of a hellebore that is flowering in our garden at the moment.
The next is of a quince flower which would have gone on to produce a delicious fruit.
And the final one is of two dog roses
To access any of the designs to use with Fine Art America click here the hellebore is also available to use with with Mydoodle click here.

These and many other designs would make great Mothers' Day cards - for more ideas click here. There are also some flower and gift suggestions here.

The actual images for use are of much higher quality than those used here.

Copyright: Original post from Copyright: Original post from Designs on Nature author S I Garrett